There are some basic rules that will be followed if one wished to remain a member of this forum.
- Pretty simple. Use the Golden Rule! If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it. We are all different people, each with our own set of beliefs and opinions. Discussion is encouraged, but not at the expense of others feelings.
It is easy for someone to misinterpret your tone of voice over the internet. For this reason, please use the Emoticons to express your emotions. They were invented for a reason, so please use them to avoid confusion.
- If it feels unsafe, it probably is. We are taught in the Army that EVERYONE is a Safety Officer. This applies to the civilian world as well. If you see something wrong happening, someone posting harmful information, or spamming, report them immediately. DON'T BE THAT GUY THAT DIDN'T SAY SOMETHING.
If you are posting something for educational purposes, such as 'Don't do this at home, this is what happened to me', then please go into detail about what exactly took place, what went wrong, and how it could have been avoided. Information is not harmful. People who use it for evil are harmful.
- Currently this forum is open to all ages (preferably 16+). Do not abuse this. Regardless of what your account says, we can tell your age by the way you talk. If you are 14, please state so, and go on with your business. We don't care how old you are as long as it doesn't affect the people around you, i.e. posting nonsense and acting childish. YOU WILL BE BANNED.
More rules will be added. Check back frequently for updates.